Explore Eldership through new course

Exploring Eldership is a new course written for United Reformed Church Elders by Elders.

In the course you’ll find information about a number of different topics, all of them critical to the role.

It may also serve as a refresher for Elders who may wish to review their ministry and responsibilities either individually or corporately.

The course has been developed by a group of Elders from the Yorkshire Synod working with Anne Hewling, the URC’s Instructional Designer.

Val Morrison, one of those who worked on the project, said: “Those of us involved in devising this resource believe that it is a huge privilege to be called to service in the ministry of Eldership.

“The role offers the potential for creativity and challenge and calls on a wide range of skills in the service of our God. Our hope is that we have conveyed some of that belief in the resource.”

There are six sections to complete on course which can be worked through by individuals or groups at their convenience.

The course is available through the .

To access the course email [email protected] who will register you on the URC Learning Hub and provide all the necessary information you need to access the resources.

If you are already registered in the URC Learning Hub, simply go to the Exploring Eldership icon on the dashboard.