Ukraine conflict: new resources for reflection, discussion and action

The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) has produced a major new briefing on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The briefing and supporting resources are designed to provide church members with a broader outlook on the conflict than is gained from the mainstream press.

Discussion questions and a podcast are also included in the resource which aim to explore aspects of the conflict from the perspective of Christian ethics, thereby resourcing thoughtful prayer and action.

Simeon Mitchell, the United Reformed Church’s Secretary for Church and Society and JPIT Team Leader, said: “The conflict in Ukraine provoked by Russia’s invasion in February 2022 is a tragedy that continues to devastate the lives of millions of people. The shocking return of conflict in Europe has brought war closer to home, and yet in the UK most of us still only see its effects second-hand, through media or the accounts of those from Ukraine who have come to the UK for safety.

“These resources will help church members as they seek to be attentive to the concerns of all people in Russia and Ukraine affected by the war, be they fighting, suffering, offering aid or seeking refuge. Many might feel that action should be taken against the unjust aggression of President Putin, and yet are unclear exactly what this should look like. Church members approach the topic of war and peace from a diverse range of perspectives. The intention of these resources is not to privilege any one particular response, but to support people in reflecting on the questions prompted by the conflict.”

The resources also provides an overview of the conflict and its historical background, considers possible future scenarios, and the wider impact of the conflict on issues including refugee policy, food security, and prospects for nuclear disarmament.

A set of questions to stimulate reflection are also provided, suitable for individual or small group study.

A 10-minute podcast has also been recorded in which the briefing is introduced by its main authors.
