United Reformed Church

Global partnerships

On this page you will find details of our latest collaborations with churches around the world as we forge partnerships that embody God’s love and promote expansive hospitality.

Presbyterian Church of Myanmar (PCM)

The URC has a long and rich history with the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar (PCM) (until 1989, Burma).

Presbyterianism gradually came to the country during the first half of the 20th century from the people of Mizoram in northeast India, whose community had been founded by the Presbyterian Church in Wales.

The PCM was established in 1956 and constituted in 1962, making it 10 years older than the United Reformed Church. Both are active partners in the Council for World Mission (CWM). There are currently 245 congregations and around 33,000 members, many in remote parts of the country, which borders Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand. We have good personal relationships with colleagues there, having received two visits in 2023 from the new General Secretary the Revd Pek Muan Cuang, and we receive regular updates about the challenges and joys of current mission and ministry. The country – and subsequently the Church – face many challenges, particularly since the military coup in February 2021 and Cyclone Mocha in May 2023.

Revd Pek Muan Cuang, General Secretary for the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar (PCM)

Hopefully, you are aware that the first two weeks of June’s Daily Devotions were focused on Myanmar, and the work of the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar. We have asked a number of URC and international friends and partners to reflect on their experience of the country and the church, and how we can support our fellow Christians at this time. You can download those reflections below:

This series ties in with an awareness – and fundraising – campaign from the URC’s Global and Intercultural Ministries.

For more information and how to support the campaign please contact Lindsey

United Reformed Church