United Reformed Church

URC Worship Book

Material for Holy Communions, Baptisms, Confirmations, weddings, funerals, ordinations, inductions, public worship and the Lord’s Prayer.

You can download the entire book:

Or download individual sections:

  • Introduction to Communion orders (PDF | 104kb) (Word | 28kb)
  • First order of Holy Communion (PDF | 174kb) (Word | 74kb)
  • Second order of Holy Communion (PDF | 128kb) (Word | 51kb)
  • Third order of Holy Communion (PDF | 121kb) (Word | 46kb)
  • Fourth order of Holy Communion (PDF | 158kb) (Word | 55kb)
  • Baptism service (PDF | 153kb) (Word | 59kb)
  • Confirmation service (PDF | 124kb) (Word | 45kb)
  • Reception of members (PDF | 136kb) (Word | 31kb)
  • Thanksgiving for the birth of a child (PDF | 112kb) (Word | 43kb)
  • Service of the Word (PDF | 132kb) (Word | 49kb)
  • Daily worship (PDF | 96kb) (Word | 42kb)
  • Evening worship (PDF | 123kb) (Word | 45kb)
  • Prayers for healing and laying-on of hands (PDF | 125kb) (Word | 45kb)
  • The Lord’s Prayer (PDF | 45kb) (Word | 26kb)
  • Wedding service (PDF | 159kb) (Word | 58kb)
  • Blessing of a Marriage (PDF | 101kb) (Word | 45kb)
  • Introduction to Funeral services (PDF | 83kb) (Word | 23kb)
  • Services for a Funeral – One (PDF | 157kb) (Word | 67kb)
  • Services for a Funeral – Two (PDF | 165kb) (Word | 74kb)
  • Services for a Funeral – Three (PDF | 95kb) (Word | 43kb)
  • Interment or scattering of ashes (PDF | 113kb) (Word | 30kb)
  • Readings for Funeral services (PDF | 117kb) (Word | 94kb)
  • Introduction to Ordination, Induction and Commissioning services (PDF | 83kb) (Word | 22kb)
  • Ordination and Induction of Elders (PDF | 146kb) (Word | 53kb)
  • Ordination and Induction of Ministers (PDF | 186kb) (Word | 65kb)
  • Induction of Ministers (PDF | 167kb) (Word | 65kb)
  • Commissioning for Church Related Community Workers (PDF | 163kb) (Word | kb)
  • Commissioning of Accredited Lay Preachers (PDF | kb) (Word | 62kb)
  • Introduction to rededication services (PDF | 83kb) (Word | 27kb)
  • Renewal of Baptismal promises by the congregation (PDF | 92kb) (Word | 40kb)
  • A service for rededication Sunday, based on the Five Marks of Mission (PDF | 118kb) (Word | 88kb)
  • Service of rededication on the theme of unity (PDF | 149kb) (Word | 48kb)
  • Statements of faith (PDF | 86kb) (Word | 31kb)
  • Treasury of prayers (PDF | 107kb) (Word | 83kb)
  • Acknowledgments and table of contents (PDF | 198kb) (Word | 82kb)

URC Worship Additional Resources

Additional Resources Worship (PDF | 2mb) (Word | 1mb)

Advent to Pentecost

Exploring the year (PDF | 369kb) (Word | 131kb)

Encircled by prayer (PDF | 532kb) (Word | 267kb)

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United Reformed Church